Waid writes a excellent Banner. In love with Banner having a supporting cast. Not so sure about Mark trying to infuse street level writing with a walking Gamma Nuke like Hulk. It seems Mark Waid is afraid of unleashing Hulk. Even the one he has promised us hasn't shown up yet. The Force of Nature that was shoved down our throats has not come to pass. Mark is giving us a healthy dose of seeing Banner and Hulk. But it is painstaking obvious he favors writing Bruce Banner more. We have not seen any depth or emotion from Hulk. He refuses to really acknowledge Hulk as a being in some sense. Two to three word sentences seems to be too much to ask for in a Hulk comic. One thing I can say for Mark..is his line up of opponents for Hulk. Quintronic Man, Attuma to Frost Giants. Attuma is the only one thus far that has me excited to see him and Hulk interact again. Not really digging the Frost Giants or Hulk's interaction with them. Bringing in Walt to me was a mistake. Yes he is a legend..but Yu's pencils would of been better suited for Asgard and this arc. Imagine if Matteo was drawing Gods and Monsters or at least rotating issues. My fingers are crossed for Year Two of Indestructible Hulk.
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Gods & Monsters Review coming soon
Writing 9/10
Story 8/10
Art 8/10
Character Development 7/10
Hopefully Mark Waid is way ahead of us on this. I just feel he really doesn't like Hulk..but loves Bruce Banner.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Mark Waid gets the whole Bruce Banner/Hulk dynamic at all. The very least he could do is give us Savage Hulk speaking in third-person sentences. My conversations with him kinda point out he isn't a fan of or has much knowledge in regards to Hulk's rich history.
ReplyDeleteAt most, I'd give his first 5 issues a 7.5/B- rating.
Nice blog, by the way.
Following you on Twitter and Marvel Message boards you are right. He isn't a Hulk fan. He loves writing Banner more. And all these new Hulk fans..I haven't seen them. They talk the talk..because they skim thru the issue their comic store. While die hards like us actually collect Hulk. Waid's Hulk is horrible. Hickman's Hulk is a lot better. And Hulk doesn't talk in Avengers as much because of Mark Waid not giving him a voice in his own series. When I read Waid's response to you about "you make me not want to write this series". My jaw dropped. Right there shows he has no passion to write Hulk like Jeff Parker. Mark can't take any constructive feedback..but he can take our money. Then he had the nerve to say I can't write Hulk at the god levels you want him at. Really? Cause to Hulk fans that is everyday feats for him. Mark for some reason can't fathom Hulk hangs with the likes of Silver Surfer, Thor and Sentry. Mark will mention in his writings how powerful Hulk is..but has yet to show it in my opinion. Force of Nature I am still waiting.