Avengers #10 vol.5 |
Maestro Sketch |
I couldn't believe my eyes when reading Hickman's Avengers #10 vol.5. My exact words.."Holy shit is that the fucking Maestro?". GreenScar1990 was successful in getting Hulk's editorial staff to respond to his plea to bring Maestro back. But Waid and Company said it wasn't going to happen. But fucking Hickman had the balls to give us die hard Hulk fans a taste of the good ole days. Even if it was just a small panel. So many other writers have used future Hulk/Maestro. Why Hulk fans obsession over Maestro? Well to us he is our Future King Thor..but this future Hulk is more demented and a lot more powerful..oh yeah with Bruce Banner's intellect. He rules a future world where all the heroes and villains are dead or hiding. Peter David in his infinite gamma wisdom blessed us with the character. Maestro first appearance was in Future Imperfect #1.
Who is
GreenScar1990? One of the most vocal Hulk fans there is to use social media to get answers from comic book writers regarding all things Hulk. Got to love the guy's passion to call out Hulk writers to there face. I mean the guy butted heads with Jason Aaron. I have to admit I chosen the wrong side in that argument. Siding with Aaron I believed he could still give us a good Hulk run at the time. I believe he was on the second arc Banner vs Hulk. The art went to trash and the Stay Angry arc came and that was the nail in the coffin of Jason Aaron being our next PAD or Pak. Jason is still a great writer..and I enjoy his Thor run. But on the
flip-side I am a little jealous how much he is hitting Thor God of
Thunder out the park. Where was his art and passion for Hulk? Well that
is water under the bridge or as Banner likes to say "Hulk happens".
A+X #1 |
Mark Waid said he didn't want to use the Maestro because Jason Aaron is writing a masterpiece dealing with different Thors in different time lines. Shaking my head. Waid in under a year is going to give us two time traveling arcs. One is out now Gods and Monsters and the other starts at Indestructible Hulk #12 A Time to Smash. Gods & Monsters could of been held in the time Maestro first came to be and before Thor and everyone perished from the Great War. How fucking cool would that of been Thor and Hulk vs Maestro. I just hate when a writer lies..just be honest and say I don't want to use him he doesn't fit into my plans. It seems Hickman and his Editorial staff are keeping there ears to the street...or is Hickman a undercover Maestro lover? In Avengers #10 that group of Avengers all under went changes. Specific variables tailored to them. Some like Hulk progressed to there future state in the form of Maestro. Which means the Maestro story line is still in continuity and viable. I hope Mark Waid jumps on this in his Year Two of Indestructible Hulk. Mark if you are reading this all we want for year two of Hulk is a Maestro sighting or possibly a Tutinax or Juggernaut show down. Make Mine Gamma!
Maestro Comic Book Appearances
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Thanks for the praise. :)
ReplyDeleteBut, yeah, I give immense props to Hickman for giving us fans the Maestro cameo. However, I've been thinking, what if the 616-Maestro that Hulk becomes isn't as villainous but still takes over the planet in the future? I mean, yeah, the Maestro that we've seen in Future Imperfect was truly a monster, in more ways than one, but that's not to say that our Green Goliath will become like him in the future.
Either way doesn't matter to me. Maestro Hulk is awesome. And I think it would be cool to see a storyline where Maestro Hulk hunts down and kills off all of Earth's heroes and villains that oppose his will. After all, Marvel tried shoving Bendis' Age of Ultron event down our throats, an event that has yet to show Ultron himself! He's like our version of King Thor, only larger, greener and physically more powerful.
Anyways, if Mark Waid doesn't want to give us fans what we want, I'm all for Jonathan Hickman or Jeff Parker taking over Indestructible Hulk after year two. He's 7 issues in and we haven't been given anything spectacular yet! Want to know something about famous Hulk writers Peter David, Greg Pak and Bill Mantlo? All three in the beginning of their respective runs, within seven issues or less, gave us fans something to really talk about! And that's something Mr. Waid has yet to accomplish.
The Hulk needs to be given great storylines and powerful villains to battle. And while you're at it, give us a Hulk who has some personality, Mr. Waid!
That would be nice to see a 616 Maestro not as villainous. But I prefer the demented Warlord version. I am hoping Waid steps his Hulk game up in year two. And it looks like we are not going to get a Annual either. It is funny because the greatest Hulk writers weren't a household names like Mark Waid and Jason Aaron. Greg Pak came out of left field and scored a grandslam with Planet Hulk, WWH and Skaar Son of Hulk. PAD was in accounting when asked to write Hulk and gave so much of himself to write Hulk. Hulk is just not Waid's cup of tea. He doesn't understand Hulk and Banner as a whole. He is content to write Hulk like the movie. And to be honest this Hulk isn't that Savage. He talks worse then Savage Hulk. And I don't understand why Hulk depowers so quickly in Waid's run. In Hickman's run Banner transforms at will and Hulk sticks around longer working as a teammate with other Avengers. Man I wish Parker or Hickman was writing Hulk. But to be brutally honest..the next great Hulk writing won't be a house hold name..it will come from some one unexpected..sort of like Jason is killing Thor right now
DeleteSpeaking of Mark Waid, here is what he said to me on May 1st on Twitter when I mentioned that Hulk had learned fighting skills in the gladiator arena during Planet Hulk. And I quote:
Delete'Seriously, no joke, I’m begging you— please stop buying the book. You will NEVER like it. Ever.'
I don't know about you, but this is discouraging to a long-time Hulk fan. It makes me feel that Waid will never give us an intelligent Hulk, nor will he ever show respect to the fanbase and listen to our suggestions and feedback. It makes me believe that he's in it for the glory and money, not for the fans, new and old alike.
Wow...he is telling a die hard Hulk fan to stop collecting Hulk. Well he might get what he asks for. I don't like Waid at all. That is the problem in the comic industry write now. There is no young talent in the writing pool...Maybe exception to Jason Aaron and Matt Fraction. But when you get old cranky self absorbed writer like Waid..this was bound to happen. If you remember I called it a long time ago that Mark doesn't or can't write Hulk. Everybody jumped down my throat and said give him a chance. But sometimes the writing is on the wall. When Marvel has to beg a writer to write a series..and that writer stated he doesn't think he can write Hulk. That is a recipe for disaster and angry Hulk fans rolled into one. He will never get Hulk fans to pick up his Dare Devil if he can't write Hulk correctly. He stopped me from following him when I told him to step up his Hulk game. You can tell Mark Waid was picked last in school in everything. I can't wait till his run is over. Oh yeah I thought Kang was coming in #12..nope its a tie-in to Age of Ultron.