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May 21, 2013

Hulk Worthy Foes: The New Brotherhood PART 4 of 4

The Brotherhood:
Emma Frost

New Brotherhood
 Magik:  has the mutant ability to teleport herself and others through time and space from one location to another by summoning "stepping discs", which are part of a dimension known as Limbo in the Marvel Universe.  Magik is the sorceress supreme of her Limbo dimension. The extent of her powers in Limbo has yet to be defined, but powerful demons of Limbo did not dare challenge her.  The more that Magik uses her magical power on any occasion, the more mystical armor appears on her body in addition to demonic features such as horns, hooves, a tail and scales. The armor deflects or limits attacks, both physical and magical.  Magik's Soulsword disrupts magic energies, constructs and creatures. It also augments the power level of any magic user who holds it. The Soulsword generally has no physical effect whatsoever, but disrupts even the most powerful magic as it passes through. It can shatter enchantments and destroy mystical creations and creatures.

Emma Frost: She is capable of extraordinary psionic feats, including the telepathic standards of: broadcasting and receiving thoughts, mind-control, altering perceptions and memories, psychic shielding, astral projection, mind switching, brain engram modification, mental sedation, induction of mental pain via touch.  Emma's diamond body is virtually tireless as she does not produce fatigue poisons and has no need for water nor food. She is also numbed from emotion, pain and empathy, impervious to cold.  Frost has a gifted intellect with college degrees in multiple fields, including a Bachelors of Science in Education

Magneto is a mutant with the power to manipulate electromagnetic fields to achieve a wide range of effects.
The primary application of his power is control over magnetism and the manipulation of ferrous and nonferrous metal. While the maximum amount of mass he can manipulate at one time is unknown, he has moved large asteroids several times and effortlessly levitated a 30,000 ton nuclear submarine. His powers extend into the subatomic level (insofar as the electromagnetic force is responsible for chemical bonding), allowing him to manipulate chemical structures and rearrange matter, although this is often a strenuous task. He can manipulate a large number of individual objects simultaneously and has assembled complex machinery with his powers. He can also affect non-metallic and non-magnetic objects to a lesser extent and frequently levitates himself and others. He can also generate electromagnetic pulses of great strength and generate and manipulate electromagnetic energy down to photons. He can turn invisible by warping visible light around his body

Cyclops: Master Tactician and Strategist. Cyclops has spent most of his superhero career as the leader of either the X-Men or X-Factor and has developed exceptional leadership skills. According to Nick Fury's files, Scott's abilities are at their best in tense situations. Fury notes that the less time Cyclops has to think about a decision, the better that decision is.  Cyclops has the power to emit beams of energy from his eyes described as an "optic blast." The beams have the appearance of red light (i.e., electromagnetic radiation in a red wavelength); however, they do not give off heat and instead deliver concussive force without recoil. The beams are tremendously powerful and can be used to rupture steel plates and pulverize rock. 


  1. Cool. As a team they might be able to challenge the Hulk, just as long as they stay out of his hands. If you recall, Hulk was capable of handling several teams of X-Men and a fully-powered Juggernaut in WWH: X-Men #1-3... and then he was still greatly holding back. Anyways, I hope these aren't the last Hulk Worthy foes that you intend to post.

    I wouldn't mind seeing some of these villains, all of whom I'd like to see in confrontations with Hulk/Banner, get some spotlight on your blog posts.

    1. Tutinax and the Deviants

    2. Mangog

    3. Lord Armageddon of the Troyjan

    4. The Eternals

    5. Thanos and his five generals- Corvus Glave, Black Dwarf, Ebony Maw, Supergiant and Proxima Midnight

    6. Graviton

    7. Amora the Enchantress and her Keep

    8. The Apocalypse Twins and their Horsemen of Death- Sentry, Banshee, Daken and Grim Reaper

    9. Monica Rapuccini and AIM

    10. Dark Sorceress Umar and The Dread Dormammu

    11. Galaxy Master

    12. Stegron

    13. Juggernaut

    14. Ego the Living Planet

    15. The Three Hell Lords- Pluto, Hela and Mephisto

    16. Typhon

    17. Maestro Hulk

    18. Alfyse and the Dark Elves of Svartlfheim

    19. Morgana Le Fey

    20. Surtur and the Fire Demons of Muspelheim

    There's some team-ups that I'd love to see happen too! Then again, who doesn't want Hulk to team with some other heroes... besides those in Hickman's Avengers.

    1. Incredible Hulks- Skaar, She-Hulk, Red She-Hulk, Red Hulk, A-Bomb and Lyra

    2. Guardians of the Galaxy- Starlord, Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, Groot and Iron Man

    3. Legion of Monsters- Morbius, Living Mummy, Manphibian and Werewolf By Night

    4. Uncanny Avengers- Havok, Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, Thor, Sunfire and Rogue

    5. Venom

    6. Galactus and his Heralds

    7. Hercules

    8. Ka-Zar and Shanna the She-Devil

    9. Beta-Ray Bill

    10. Agents of Atlas- Jimmy Woo, Venus, Gorilla-Man, Namora, M-11 and the Uranian

    11. Fearless Defenders- Valkyrie, Misty Knight, Dani Moonstar, Warrior Woman

    12. Captain Marvel

    13. X-23

    14. Captain America

    15. Wolverine

    16. Amadeus Cho

    17. The Thing

    18. The Inhumans

    19. Scarlet Witch

    20. Black Widow

    21. Illuminati- Reed Richards, Namor, Black Panther, Beast and Dr. Strange

    22. Sif

    23. Scarlet Spider

    1. You have some good ones. And I have another segment using some of those characters on your list bro..coming real soon! I have quite a few Hulk topics and related material renting space in my skull. I have some comic video reviews coming from me at my LCS! You know I am a die hard. I got you bro.

  2. And this is a tough fight for Banner and Hulk. Magik and Magneto are a serious problem. Both can BFR Hulk. And I am going off Hickman and Waid's take on him. Pak's WWH wins most times.

  3. Magik might be able to split Bruce and Hulk or/both suppress Hulk in Banner. This is only a theory based of interpreting Magik's power set and SoulSword. Either way good fight.
