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May 06, 2013

Deviants, Attuma and Hulk: A Shared World

It wasn't by chance that I was reading Thor: Deviants #1-4 and Lemuria came up. First thing that popped in my head was.."hold on, is this the same Lemuria Hulk and Attuma's forces clashed at?" After digging around the internet for a bit. I discovered Lemuria was the home to the Deviant race before it sanked to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

"Eventually, the Deviants took control of Lemuria. Queen Zartra fled to Atlantis to marry its monarch, Kammuu. She was slain shortly before the Great Cataclysm that sunk Lemuria, caused by the Celestials' bombing of Earth."

When reading Indestructible Hulk #4 Attuma knew who Hulk was. Scouring around I found out Namor and Hulk teamed up against Attuma before. Here is a lil tidbit from Marvel Wiki

"Later, Attuma's ship recovered the monstrous Hulk who was found dying in the ocean. Hulk was given a serum that allowed him to survive underwater, and he escaped, but not before Attuma's scientist learned to replicate Hulk's gamma ray-induced superhuman powers. After testing it on his assistant Vashti, Attuma was given Hulk-like powers and he began a rampage through Atlantis. Attuma was confronted by both Namor and the Hulk and defeated, leading to Namor reclaiming his throne shortly afterward."

Also while reading is so obvious Waid stole alot of his storyline from Hulk and Attuma's past encounter. It is okay to build on someone else hard work if you are adding value to it. The saying is true "There is no idea new under the sun". What Waid did do was have Attuma find and exploit Lemuria for its Alchemy. And find a way for Hulk to interact with Attuma again. I applaud Mark Waid for doing that. Just it would be nice if he builds his own lane when writing Hulk next time. Attuma thus far written by Mark Waid is a excellent adversary for Hulk.

"The Second Host of the Celestials arrived on Earth circa 16,000 BCE. The Deviants, in the middle of another assault on Atlantis, attacked the Celestial ship. In retaliation, the Celestials bombed Lemuria. At the same time, the Atlanteans opened their magma vents to drive off the Deviants. The bomb destroyed Lemuria, and the shock waves from it, combined with the open vents, sank Atlantis. This Great Cataclysm reshaped the Earth's surface. [2]"

 So many doors are now open for Banner and Hulk. Working with S.H.E.I.L.D. gives a writer some wiggle room to give Hulk a plausible reason to be in the situation he is in. If Hulk is in outer space or time doesn't seem to out of place. There lies Pak's problem..not enough background story and transition to the next arc. Hopefully Mark Waid revisits Lemuria with Hulk in one form or the other. Trying to stay optimistic about a Deviant and Hulk story. Waid has laid some ground work for this to happen. Will he capitalize on it is a another question. Alchemy and Magic mixed with the write Hulk story is a win/win. I know lots of Hulk fans want to see Hulk go cosmic for a bit. Lemuria has so much rich history tied to it(now including Hulk) There is no reason why Celestials can't be mentioned in a Hulk comic. Doesn't mean he has to fight them..he would lose..but knowing Hulk is lurking around the unexplainable puts a smile on my face. Hopefully Year Two of Indestructible Hulk we see more Cosmic and magical elements play out in Waid's run.



  1. Even if Hulk would fight against the Celestials and lose while doing just as good if not better than Thor did against them and survive their assaults, I'd still be pretty damn impressed. Wouldn't you? Personally, Hulk needs more cosmic adventures. Maybe a team-up with Silver Surfer and the other heralds of Galactus?

    1. Or better yet..maybe Hulk fight some Celestial type herald of theirs. I want to see Hulk in different realms and dimensions. Hulk interacting with cosmic elements, magically enhanced beings and mid to high level demons. Most writers of Hulk make up there own villain. Peter David had Mad Man, Trauma and Maestro. Pak had The Red King and Hiro-Kala. Waid should come up with a powerful villain also.

  2. I do agree that Hulk needs an epic storyline involving the Eternals, Deviants and maybe even the Celestials. I too enjoyed Thor: The Deviant Saga. It was entertaining, fun and the art was pretty good. I'd love to see Hulk battling against the likes of Tutinax or Zuras. I mean, what's not to like in an awesome smash-fest involving Eternals and Deviants?! The battles alone, especially with a great artist at the helm, alone would be worth it!

    You know what is also infuriating about Mark Waid? When he first came onboard as writer for Indestructible Hulk, he asked us fans who we'd like to see Hulk fight, but yet he doesn't want to acknowledge Hulk's power as an Ultra Elite Brick powerhouse and the strongest one there is. However, I have a feeling that Jonathan Hickman will do the Hulk justice in Infinity. I really hope Hulk battles Black Dwarf, Corvus Glaive and the rest of Thanos' generals.

    1. Its funny because Juggernaut and Maestro were on top of any Hulk fans list of fights we want to see. But some how Sandman makes the list..smh. Gladiator will be cool and Kang. I am about to email them with suggestions of fights and interactions. Plus Jason Aaron made it be known there are other gods on other planets..Hulk could be tangling it up with them. It is a chance for Hulk to get some new villains in his corner. He brought up bringing back Abomination. Not bad..hopefully its the one from Chaos War with the upgrades.

  3. Yeah, unless the battle takes place in the Sahara Desert or on an island, Sandman isn't going to be much of a fight for the Hulk. Gladiator and the Shi'ar Imperial Guard, along with Kang the Conquerer, will be awesome if Waid knows how to utilize them to their fullest potential.

    And I agree with you. There's tons of gods and massive threats in the universe to challenge the Hulk. Plenty to smash, if one has the passion and desire to give create epic tales. By the way, do you mind telling me what kind of fights & interactions you had on your mind?

    And as for Abomination, he definitely needs a major upgrade in power in order to be a real threat/match for the Hulk. They could tweek his appearance, keep it classic while updating it like the Avengers Initiative iphone game. He needs to be larger, towering over the Hulk.

    He could keep his powers from Chaos War and/or, as a interesting twist, he could be possessed by Omega-level demon Zom. A scenario where AIM and HYDRA bring back Abomination from the dead in a upgrade for could work. That or have Hulk venture into Pluto's realm of Hades where Abomination is the death god's most formidable champion.

    1. I sent a suggestion yesterday of interactions and possible fights
      1. Guardians of the Galaxy(to give Hulk some cosmic adventures)
      2. Tutinax
      3. Juggernaut
      4. High Evolutionary
      5. Banner dealing with all the different personalities in his head(to help explain this Hulk being the most dominant.

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