Mark Waid has told us he is writing a "Smart Guy Comic". I want to believe him..but it would be nice to see Bruce interact with some big name geniuses. To be fair Waid did give us Tony Stark in issue two. There are a lot of big brains meeting and interacting on 616 earth all the time. Mainly the Illumanti who are using there brains to avert world disasters. Why was Bruce excluded from the group? And Captain America given a chance over Bruce Banner? I wish I had the answers to share.

Give Bruce Banner his own lane then like Hank Pym. How would Bruce react to another being smarter then them all? In steps The High Evolutionary and his Seeker. Lets face it Bruce has always thought of himself in Reed, Stark, McCoy and Pym's league! High Evolutionary is a step higher in the Intelligence Food Chain. Could Mark Waid find a plausible way to write Herbert Edgar Wyndham and Bruce Banner in a issue of Indestructible Hulk? Nobody is denying Waid is a smart writer and a talented one. High Evolutionary just feels like it would be right up Mr. Waid's alley. Hulk and High Evolutionary have a shared history. Take a dive at it..own the character Waid. You learned how to write and love Banner Waid. Now do the same for the Hulk. If you love writing Bruce Banner, you should love writing the Hulk. Because they are the same...Hulk is Bruce and Bruce is Hulk. Lets make this happen Gamma Warriors.
Make Mine Gamma!
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