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May 10, 2013

Ultra Capes vs Elite Bricks


Juggernaut, Mangog and Tutinax one thing they all got in common. 1)Insane high durability 2) Physically powerful. And Hulk is in that same league. What tickles my fancy is all of those characters have beaten down Thor on panel. But gamma haters refuse to acknowledge Hulk can do the same thing to Thor and other capes. Even though the proof is on panel. From Gladiator, Thor to Sentry..Hulk has made a living out of beating down capes. Why is there extreme prejudice shown towards Hulk when he does the same thing? Shots are usually fired by stating Greg Pak is a Hulk Fan Boy. Truth be told Hulk was already smashing capes before Greg Pak came along. Hulk is a Elite Powerhouse Brick period. The madder he gets the stronger and more durable he gets. Juggernaut, Mangog and Tutinax start off higher in durability and strength. But Real Hulk fans know it can take mere seconds to minutes for Hulk to close the gap and go beyond. Arguments usually flare because comic books fans don't understand Hulk's power set and willpower. Hulk 9 out of 10 times is holding back in fear of  laying waste to a city, country or even a planet. That is Banner trying to keep the monster in check. Very few capes stand a chance of trading blows with Elite Bricks like Juggernaut and Mangog. Thor does better because of his enchanted hammer. But Hulk was made to fight up close and take extreme punishments. We don't care if Hulk loses to a Cape. But our eyebrows do arch if the Cape just stands there trading blows and not utilizing everything else like speed and flight. If a writer wants a Cape to BFR Hulk all day..fine..because thats what it takes. Or the use of advance magic and science is very much plausible on a Elite Brick.

But it is becoming a trend on a lot of forums and message boards. If you are a Cape you automatically win because of speed and flight. Not the case when fighting against Powerhouse Bricks like Tutinax and the likes. They can take extreme physical punishment via healing factors, magic enchantments or god like dense bone and muscle structure. That is there great equalizer. Not saying Capes aren't built as powerful..but there advantage is Flight and mid-long range EnergyProjections/Bursts. While Bricks rely on being stronger and more durable. Close quarters combat sides more in the Bricks favor.

 On panel proof isn't enough for some comic fans. Like World War Hulk beating Sentry. They claim it was Bruce who beat Bob. Tutinax pounded out the Odinson. Thor-lites were in a uproar. Saying that Thor was disrespected. And I by one thought Thor: Deviants Saga was entertaining.  Juggernaut has made a career out of beating down squads of mutants to capes. One thing all the bricks have in common also. They all have out muscled Thor with pure savagery and brute force. Mind you Thor has beaten Sentry and had the upper hand on Silver Surfer in a few encounters. Odinson is not a pushover by any means. Just using him to set the pace and bar. Its not by chance Thor stated Hulk was a pain in his ass. Lets face it Brusiers like Juggernaut and Mangog have given Thor a run for his money. Loki disguised as the Scarlett Witch stated on panel Hulk had the power to lay down gods. Is being a Cape overrated? No! I just feel they need to utilize more of there powerset to beat  Elite Bruisers like Hulk and Tutinax. For the record I am not saying Elite Bricks beat Ultra Capes all the time. Its just in there powerset to be able to from time to time and vice versa.



  1. Exactly.

    But you should also take into fact that a lot of these Ultra Elite Bricks like Hulk, Doomsday and others are extremely fast in their own right. They've shown to be fast enough or equally fast as guys like Thor, Sentry, Superman, etc.

    Anyways, BFR is usual the best method of dealing with these guys. But that's also easier said than done. It's not wise to engage Hulk or any other Elite powerhouse directly, regardless of if one uses a physical or energy attacks 'cause they can withstand extreme punishment.

    It's like Hulk vs. Thor debate. Hulk has infinite physical power, durability, endurance, stamina, etc. while Thor also has great power but has more abilities due to Mjolnir and such. It makes the conflict more evenly matched to the point that either one could win or at best stalemate each other.

    1. I believe Capes have a better chance to beat Elite Bricks..when they put Hulk or Juggernaut in a environment that makes it hard to find traction. Like Gladiator tried taking Hulk into space. Smart move..only problem he had to get in close to Hulk. Hickman is handling Capes and Bricks pretty well. Hulk and Hyperion fight was brief but good. Hyperion using his eye beams to put some space between him and Hulk. Hulk showing he can hurt Hyperion and hang with in.

    2. Yep. The best chances for Capes to win a fight is in an enviroment that is their advantage, one that can enable a BFR victory. It's a shallow win, but a win nonetheless. However, when the playinf fields are even and right-in-your-face, the capes can't contend with the Ultra Elite Bricks like Hulk, Juggernaut, Tutinax and the like.

      Hyperion had to really use his speed and other powers in order to contend with the Hulk in an all-out fight. He should be lucky that Abyss lost her control over him and that the Green Goliath reverted back to Banner beofre the fight would go on for too long.

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