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May 18, 2013

Hulk Worthy Foes: Blastaar PART 2 of 4

Blastaar is a member of a race called the Balurrians, based in the Negative Zone. He ruled them for years as a brutal leader until they finally rose up and overthrew him, then sealed him up within a containment suit and set him adrift. It was only when the inhuman Triton braved the Negative Zone to save an adrift Mister Fantastic that the Explosive Belt around Earth revived Blastaar

Blastaar has superhuman strength and endurance, and is incredibly durable and resistant to injury; conventional weapons and even ballistic missiles could have no effect on him. His superhuman constitution can withstand extreme variations in temperature and pressure. He is virtually tireless. He can live without nourishment for several weeks and survive in the vacuum of space by inducing himself into a state of hibernation.  He is capable of self-propelled flight at escape velocity. He can project blasts of highly concussive kinetic force from his hands. He can channel the same concussive force to give him flight by propelling himself through the air like a rocket, and can maintain this thrust almost indefinitely. His energy blasts can temporarily disrupt the molecular integrity of the Eternals.
He is also highly trained in the arts of warfare of and by his race and has access to advanced technology from his home world such as starships and powerful plasma-based weapons. Most often, however, he only uses his powers without augmentation.


  1. Blasstar is another great choice. He's formidable enough in his own right, considering he more than held his own more than once against the Savage Hulk in the past, but add in the fact that he has armies and powerful tech-based weapons... it makes him an even more imposing challenge to the Hulk. Since the Green Goliath is eventually going to the Negative Zone, it only makes sense to bring in Blasstar and Annihilus.

    1. Well lets pray we and Mark Waid are on the same page about the Negative Zone.

  2. I think there is a new Annihilus? Not 100% sure. I hope the Negative Zone arc is amazing and Blastaar and Annihilus atleast make a cameo. I started liking Blastaar more around the Annihilation Conquest. He has grown on me. Love his attitude and the way he speaks..and his mannerisms and the way he carries himself. He is a King!
