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July 03, 2013

I called it then....

Posted: January 23, 2013 | 12:10 PM

"Wait a sec, GammaCosmic.

Cool down a bit. I think you're forgetting that Gorr didn't kill that giant god who was rumored to wrestle black holes alone. In fact, it appears that Gorr has hundreds, maybe even thousands of Black Beserkers who greatly assist him in the killing of numerous and/or more powerful gods. In fact, Gorr has been killing mostly gods that would battle a young Thor, who isn't even near the power of his older warrior self that fought alongside the Avengers and Hulk."

Those Black Beserkers are part of Gorr The God Butcher..he creates them out of a substance from his body. And that fight was never shown..we just seen the after math. It was a god that was stated on panel the being wrestled black holes for fun. None of the opponents Hulk has faced so far could even remotely do that. And Gorr slayed that god. Gorr leaves his constructs Black Berserkers at the bodies if any other gods show up. And there is nothing stating Gorr is killing gods weaker then Young Thor..except if you want to count Gods of Songs and Poetry.

"And I have to agree with my friend's post below. We just need to give Waid some time. Who knows, you might be kicking yourself later once Mark Waid reveals something truly epic in scope down the line in Indestructible Hulk. He's know for doing that kind of writing. If you don't believe me, his Daredevil run is proof of that."

Why do we place so much faith in this writer to bridge the gap. Everything is on panel that he is erasing Pak's, Peter David and Aaron's work. He is writing Banner and Hulk as if he just picked up where Bill Mantlo left off. The way he wrote Iron Man as if Tony has no idea why Banner is mad at him. In that issue Waid could of mentioned Hulk bringing a war to earth, Tony and company shooting him into space. Even SHIELD seems like they don't even remember. Waid said so himself to you Hulk's speech will vary..meaning Hulk will growl or maybe say a few "RACKER".  Everytime I point out guys have a explanation for Waid. I said this is Savage Hulk goodbye guys say we don't know that Waid might have something planned. Even though AvX, A+X has Hulk talking childlike again before this series dropped. You guys are hoping for the best and staying blinded to the reality of it. It is easier for Waid to write Banner and regular humans then Hulk. He didn't even want to write Hulk he said. He had to be coaxed into writing Hulk. Daredevil and Hulk are totally different in everyway.

1. No reason what so ever why Savage Hulk is back

2. Banner and Hulk truce seemed to never happen

3. Avengers versus X-Men was a new starting point for Hulk. They re-introduced Savage Hulk in that series to let us know that is the Hulk you are getting for now on. Hickman's Avengers samething. Are you telling me Waid has this idea of Banner and Hulk biding there time to reveal he is still the Green Scar?

That is delusional guys are so trapped in the matrix. Just be honest to yourself and admit Green Scar/WWH is gone. Marvel is rebooting Hulk back to Savage form.  And this has happen many times already. When Marvel says something..writers do it. My gripe isn't about Savage Hulk..I actually like this form. My gripe is the way he was introduced back. There was no story to bridge the gap to tell why. We are hoping Waid does tell us. But this title change was to get new readers in also. Who only knows Hulk by being dumb and strong. I don't need a year of Hulk comics to know where it is heading. By the time the Nine Realms arc is done it will be 9 issues in..close to a year. And I bet you nothing will be mentioned. Look how easy you guys are on fighting his fights for him and giving him the benefit of the doubt that he will talk about this at some point. Waid doesn't have to be bogged down by other writers..but he owes us a quick couple panels of why Banner doesn't ever talk about his kids and him and Hulk coming to a understanding.

here is the link to this discussion thread: 


  1. There is a lot of politics at my job. And being in management you look at things different. I just saw the signs before my fellow Hulk brothers caught on. Marvel is a business first and will always put investors and shareholders before the consumer. They play off of our love for certain characters. They have teams that analyze data on how to sell more comics to us. And those CBR interviews gets us all the time. Because they feed us rehearse info that seem like we are getting something epic. We open up our wallets and pray that it gets better.

  2. True, at first I was blind and hoped for the best. It was at issue 4 that I realized that everything my mind told me, everything I hoped not to be, was true. There's still those who are blind to this. However, true fans like us, will not defend Mark Waid any longer. In fact, I've confronted him numerous times on Twitter and shared my interactions with other fans to prove my point.

    Many supported me, some attacked me verbally and defended Waid (I'm looking at you, people/fans on ComicVine). I still follow the series, only because I'm a loyal fan. I can only hope for better, perhaps for Waid to leave and a new writer steps in to give us the Hulk/Banner stories that we deserve. Thor fans dealt with Matt Fraction, we've dealt with Jason Aaron & are now currently dealing with Mark Waid.

    However, you have to admit, Hickman is doing a way better job of handling Banner/Hulk than Waid. When I asked Hickman if he would/could write Hulk in his Green Scar persona, he admitted that he could and would love to, but only if Mark Waid was going in that direction for the character. Marvel and Waid both are guilty parties here.


    1. I am hoping year two Waid steps it up with Hulk. Year One: Banner, Year Two: Strongest There Is! I believe Hickman is doing a better job displaying Hulk's when brushed Steve Rogers aside and went at StarBrand. But I say Mark is writing a better Banner. He has more on panel Banner time then Hickman. Hickman has a big cast he has to fit in. Waid has ten tops if you count R.O.B. Ad being unbiased Waid writes a very smart Bruce Banner. That cannot be denied. I am just waiting for Indestructible Hulk #11. Rumor is Waid will explain why Hulk isn't doing much talking. To be honest Hulk hasn't been shown to be a Force of Nature since issue number one. Hulk isn't speed blitzing anymore. That is one thing I enjoyed so far that Mark Waid has brought to the Hulk comic. Every fight Hulk should be moving at those speeds. Hickman doesn't use Hulk's speed in Avengers battles. Its a shame..because it leaves the door open for Hulk haters to say Hulk can't touch flyers. No Thunder Clap yet. Every Hulk fight he should be kicking with the most powerful legs under a All Father. Thunder Clapping should be the norm. Nine issues in and no signature trademark saying: Hulk Strongest One There Is! If you are going to give us Savage Hulk. Give us a truly Savage Hulk..who can't distinguish foe from friend the madder he gets. Cause right now between Waid and Hickman. Hulk likes everybody. Hulk is suppose to be pointed and shot like a cannon. What happen to that? A cannon aiming a WMD into battle is what we was promised. Hopefully year two shuts my mouth and I praising Mark Waid.

  3. And I just thought I might add, it seems that Gorr's power and the Black Berserkers come from the powerful mystical weapon of unknown origin. Apparently, the more gods he kills and the more of their blood his dark power takes in, the more formidable Gorr is. I'm not sure if you've read Thor: God of Thunder #6-9 yet. If not, you'll have to catch up some. Great stuff. Wish the Hulk title was as good.
