Infinity is almost here. If you are a long time Hulk fan. Then you will know Hulk has been in everything named Infinity when it comes to Marvel. From Infinity Crusade to The Infinity Gauntlet. So it is no surprise Holku is making a major splash in Marvel Now Infinity. Half of me is very excited to see my Jade Giant streaking across solar systems in all his gamma might to face Thanos and The Black Order. The other half of me is skeptical that Hickman will short change Hulk in the feats department. To give room to his new pet Hyperion. Readers of Hickman's Avengers pick up on the not so subtle favoritism of Hyperion on this series. Don't get me wrong. Hickman hasn't shown any disrespect to Hulk's power-set. And he writes a mean Bruce Banner. It is fifty fifty on who writes a better Banner out of Hickman and Waid.

But when it is all said and done. I believe Hulk is in good hands with Hickman's Avengers run. As of June
30, 2013 I do not know if Indestructible Hulk has any plans for tie-ins to Infinity. Time will reveal. With that said, there is a good chance there will be a tie-in. There is a Age of Ultron tie-in coming. And Marvel seems content on keeping Hulk in the limelight. A lot of us where not happy that Hulk missed Marvel's Civil War, Secret Invasion and The Siege. When Hulk was mentioned as one of the Worthy I was pumped. Then Matt Fraction happened. He didn't have a clear picture on how to use a amped up Hulk on panel. He did a great job in interviews describing Nul/Hulk' power...but a piss poor job on delivering it. I am not mad at him, just left wanting more out of Nul. Love the concept and do believe he was in amp mode..just little on panel proof.
I won't be buying every Infinity tie-in. Just the core mini, Avengers, The Mighty Avengers and Indestructible Hulk(if there is one). If Hulk makes a Guardians of The Galaxy cameo..I most likely will pick up the issue. So refreshing seeing Banner using his big brain. Just wish he was part of the New Avengers cast also.
p.s. I would love to see Hulk rip Gladiator off his throne and Smash him. |