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February 21, 2015

Rebirth of the Gamma Giant


     Marvel has made it clear the universe is going to be realigned. No matter how strong Hulk gets he can't overcome his main antagonists...Marvel Think Tank. What does this mean for us Hulk fans? Marvel is doing a DC New 52 move after Secret Wars and Battle World. How this affects our favorite gamma beast is what I am waiting on. I have been scouring the internet for any tidbits of info pertaining to this subject. What I have found out is Gerry Duggan will be staying on after Omega Hulk. And has stated he wouldn't of started with a smart Hulk from a clean slate. He was left this baggage from the previous tenants. Good chance Marvel might let him start from a clean slate after Battle World.

     Which leaves the question. Which Hulk persona will be the dominant? Will we see a parade of two or three different Hulk personalities emerge? One can only imagine. Since I am a gambling man. My money will be Marvel brings back Savage Hulk and he is not a team player. To me Savage Hulk can embody gravage Hulk attributes of speech. I do not want to ever see Greg Pak's Hulk Dad again. I am sorry to all the Pak fans who believe he does no wrong. I prefer my Hulk always fucking scary and very volatile, boiling over with rage. I see the reboot as a breath of fresh air. A chance to relive why hero and villain fear Hulk.

     One thing I thought was missing from Hulk the past six or so years. Is the military aspect. There was a time when a openly or secret military coup was waged against Hulk non-stop. Hulk not really having too many allies or friends. Everyone uses or needs Hulk..but he doesn't need them. The Bruce Banner and Hulk dynamic shared psyche needs to be explored more. Reading a whole issue or two about a story in Banner's mind wasn't consider filler..but added to character growth. Seeing and witnessing the inner struggle to restrain the beast or beasts depending on the writer. Was something that has always fascinated me. Him losing control should always be at the forefront of his number one fears. And when Banner loses control we see why he fears it so much. Hopefully Gerry Duggan has a say on what Hulk he wants. Most fans would love to see Gravage Hulk as a healthy compromise. Me I just a want a dangerous Savage Hulk who goes from 50 to 100 real quick. If you look tough he wants a piece of you friend or foe. Hulk must always show how strong and tough he is. Hulk is the bully's bully. End of rant!

February 12, 2015

Life After Omega Hulk

One thing that Hulk fan's can count on is the inevitable changing of the guards. Yes Mark Bagley is leaving after Omega Hulk vol.2. He was a consistent artist that hit some pages out of the park. Would he have been my first, second or even seventh pick? No! But he did manage to win me over with some issues. Doc Green persona won't last either especially after the BattleWorld event Marvel is holding. So which Hulk incarnation will take the helm? Does Gerry Duggan have a say? I sure hope so. He has confessed he is a Hulk fan. He hasn't stated on record if Hulk is his favorite. A lot of readers agree if there is a reboot. Gravage Hulk should be the dominate persona. For me it doesn't stop there. I demand my Hulk to be brave, reckless, ferocious and unrelenting in dulling out punishment with his fists. The dangerous Hulk needs to comeback. Hulk has lost that savage dangerous side of him. When so-called allies don't want to stand to close to him in fear of him lashing out at them. Hulk with very few friends is a dangerous Hulk. Losing it to the rage has been a aspect that we have all missed from our Walking Gamma Nuke these last five or six years.

Will Banner see more on panel time this go around? He has been very absent from the Hulk comics. Not a deal breaker considering Mark Waid just did a excellent job making a place for Banner on earth. Hard to predict what Gerry has in store. Will we get a healthy dose of Hulk and Banner after Omega
Hulk? And who will be the new artist? Fingers crossed for me that Mike Deodato Jr. makes stab at it for a while especially if its Gravage or Savage Hulk that Gerry Duggan and Hulk editorial decide on.

June 16, 2014

Gerry Duggan the next Jeff Parker or PAD?

How can I start this off other then saying Gerry Duggan has to hit a home run with this Omega Hulk arc. Hulk fans are extremely agitated as of right now. Especially after Mark Waid's dismissal of Hulk's fans desires and wants. After a relaunch on the series..Hulk fans find out Waid is still onboard.
HULK#5 written by Gerry Duggan
Hulk fans going insane with rage. But after the last arc Who Shot Hulk. Mark Waid actual bowed out gracefully with a good story. It left the doors open for the new writer Gerry Duggan. Writer of Deadpool and Nova. First I was like "Who is Gerry Fucking Duggan?" and why isn't Jeff Parker writing the new Hulk. But after picking up a Nova issue..I am like man this guy can write and Hulk is his favorite. Then I hear he is doing a eight to ten issue arc called Omega Hulk. God damn! Now he has my attention.

"I had some chats with Mark, and I thought what he's done with Hulk and Banner are brilliant," Duggan said to Newsarama. "It's very grounded, and logical; of course Bruce would make that kind of deal with S.H.I.E.L.D. for the lab with infinite funding in exchange for letting the monster loose. I'm also going to be keeping Banner’s assistants, but also bringing some old friends and new faces."

Keeping Banner's lab assistants is a smart move. One of my gripes with Waid's Indestructible Hulk run is he didn't flesh out Banner's assistants enough. I started losing interest in them quick. Gerry Duggan is also stating he is bringing in some new faces. I am scratching my head on what that actually means. Does he plan on creating new heroes or villians to add to the Hulk mythos....or some Marvel characters that never interacted with Hulk before. Personally I would love to see Blue Marvel interact with Hulk/Banner.

Gerry Duggan: I have so much love for the Hulk that it almost hurts.

I don't know about you....but having a true Hulk fan helm the adventures of you favorite hero is a plus in my book. Hulk fans are willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. But be warned! Mark Waid said all the right things in his interviews and marketing of Indestructible Hulk...but failed to deliver a finished product. Best of luck and Godspeed Gerry Duggan. Halls of Hulk is waiting and watching

July 09, 2013

My Inner Fanboy "So says The Leader" .01

"Truth be told this is a nice little skirmish for Hulk. Not a Juggernaut or Thor fight per say   ..but a decent workout. You can probably throw another two bruisers in there like...Warpath and Rhino. The odds weigh heavy in Hulk's favor to take the majority. Banner doesn't deserve this power!"


July 05, 2013

Not happy unless Hulk is smashing #1

What If: Planet Hulk
Some pages make a real Hulk fan smile and feel all warm inside. This is one of them. Sentry on his knees Green Scar in all his righteous anger and might humbling the Yellow Prince of the Sun aka The Sentry.

Adamantium shrapnel barrage focused on Hulk. There are not too many who can take that and fight on. Hulk healed from a Adamantium Shrapnel Shower..ten tons of it. World War Hulk haters deny every feat of the Jade Giant.